Wednesday, June 01, 2022

As I See It - #4

Generations are labeled these days.  The most recent is Gen Z (born between 1995 and 2010).  Before Z are the Millenials, and then Gen X, and before X the Baby Boomers.  I'm before all of them, from the Silent Generation, those of us born between 1928 and 1945.  So I'm five generations older than today's children.

Its no surprise that I don't see today's world or interact with today's world as do the more recent generations.  Its actually more than a disconnect.  Its a chasm that's impossible to fathom.  Not intellectually, which is a chasm I can cross over.  I can understand what its like for a teenager these days.  But what I cannot do is live life as Gen Z'ers do.  I can't have the experience of seeing the world as they do, as using Social Media as they do, as communicating as they do.  For all this I can only be an outsider looking in.

So, like it or not, the paradigm through which I see the world is with the eyes of one who grew up and was molded by the Silent Generation.  Given that today's world is so totally different than it was in my youth, is it any wonder that I'm often appalled by what I see going on outside of my homebound bubble? 

Its not all bad.  I live in and participate in the world as it is today.  I love that technology has in many ways improved the quality of our lives.  Its more a sense of frustration when I realize that I will never walk a mile in the shoes of those who will dictate what the future will be.


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