Tuesday, March 08, 2022


Since before the invasion I've been focused on what's happening in Ukraine.  But I haven't been moved to write anything about it.  Why?  Probably because I felt I don't have anything to say that isn't echoed by every other commentator.  Today, that still may be true, but even so it's time to express myself.

In addition to being shocked, appalled, dismayed, angry - and more - about the suffering of the innocents in Ukraine, I think the following:

Is there a way out of this horror show?  I don't see any obvious way that Putin is going to stop.  It is possible that China could step in and broker a resolution, but so far they don't show any signs that they'll do so.

Sanctions are a good weapon.  More could be put in place, and I wouldn't wait to implement them.  If that means we have to pay more for fuel, too bad.  It's a relatively small inconvenience for a good cause.

Trying to psychoanalyze Putin's mind is a waste of time.  He has said what he wants.  Let it go at that.

Lindsay Graham says we ought to get rid of the guy.  For a change, I agree with him.  I know that advocating assassinating a leader is politically incorrect.  I'd still keep it as an option.

So far, India is behaving badly.  I guess they're unwilling to cross Russia, since they get much of their military hardware from them.  Still, that's no excuse.  They should be ashamed of themselves for abstaining in the U.N., rather than voting to condemn Russia's actions.

CNN is doing a great job of covering the war.  They have reclaimed their role as the best source of news in such a situation.  Their correspondents, starting with Clarissa Ward and Anderson Cooper, are outstanding.  They are my 'go to' channel.

Until recently, when I thought of Ukraine and Ukrainians it was with disdain or disapproval because of the way they behaved in World War II.  No longer.  They are heroes, to be admired and supported.


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