End of the Year!
The last day of 2018. A time to look back or a time to look
ahead? Maybe a little of both, or maybe
Let’s try looking back
first. Not much to like or praise. Dysfunction, chaos, inward looking in the
U.S. And when looking outward, much the
same. A trade war that is lose-lose for
everyone. Betraying allies. Betraying alliances. No longer a country that stands for morals
and humanity.
And other countries aren’t
doing a lot better. Inequality
growing. Global wars and violence
continuing unabated. Democracy losing
ground to nativism. As the U.S. retreats
Russia and China gain ground. Europe in
protest. Brexit a symbol of what’s wrong
not only in the U.K.
Enough looking back. How about looking forward? Painful.
More of the same and the picture looks dismal. Skepticism and cynicism abound. Should we give in and give up? I hate to say ‘yes,’ but if had to make a bet
. . .?
So we’re left with the
present, today. Now. That doesn’t look too bad. The sun is shining. I am in my bubble, able to not focus on all
that bad stuff, but to be grateful for my many blessings. I think I’ll relax and stay here for a while.
Happy New Year!