Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Super Tuesday!

The political world is all a twitter (no pun intended) today.  Super Tuesday and voting in 12 states.

Will Trump keep his momentum and pull further away from the pack?
Will Rubio finally win a state?
Will Clinton sink Bernie once and for all?
Will Cruz stay alive by winning his home state?
Etc., etc.

The circus continues and provides fodder 24/7 for the fodder eaters.  It is, indeed, good theater, so we might as well enjoy it.  Or at least enjoy it until the country succumbs to demagoguery, bigotry and anger.  Will that happen?  I don’t think so.  I certainly hope not.  Is it possible? Six months ago I would have said, “No.  No way.”  Am I that sure about the answer today?  ‘Fraid not.

Who said “You reap what you sow?”  Google says it comes from Galatians.  No matter, we deserve what we get.  So good luck to us all.


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