No Easy Answers!
Opinions are easy. Do this.
Do that. I think this. I think that.
You’re right. You’re wrong. We have an opinion about everything. Never ending.
About one a minute – or more.
Being responsible for the decisions
we make, for the actions we take, isn’t so easy. Especially if what we do has an impact far
beyond ourselves. I was particularly
conscious of this reality as I read a bunch of opinions by self-styled experts
About Syria: Crimes against humanity require a
response. Using chemical weapons require
a response. Diplomacy is still the best
path. Take action, Obama. Do something.
Bomb their airfields. That isn’t
enough. Kill Assad, that’ll make a real
difference. Be careful what you wish for
– it’ll be worse for Syria, and for us, if Qaeda-led rebels take over. History will judge us harshly if we don’t
act. Wait for the U.N. Don’t wait for the U.N. If we do nothing, Iran will benefit. If we do something, Iran will benefit. Etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam.
About Egypt: Call a coup a coup. A military dictatorship is better than an
Islamic state. Democracy can wait. Democracy can’t wait. What happened to the people who care about
civil rights? We still have
influence. Don’t cut off arms aid. Stop arms aid. We have no influence, so giving aid or not
will make no difference. Wait for the
Egyptian people to take charge of their own future. Forget the future, people want jobs now. Etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam.
About Iran: Give the new government a chance. The new leaders may speak sweetly but won’t
be different than the old ones. New
government or not, more sanctions will get the job done. Less sanctions will get the job done. Let the Israelis do it. Only the U.S. can stop them. They’ll be ready to make a bomb in less than
a year. It’ll be several years before
they pose a real threat. Etc., etc.,
etc., ad nauseam.
What do we know for
sure. Opinions without responsibility won’t
change anything. And there are no easy