Not Getting Hooked!
I think about writing a blog post every day. Much that is going on around us is provocative and worthy of comment. Every day. Several times a day. But I haven't posted anything for nearly two months. Why? No good reason. Except I am refusing to rise to the bait, and there is plenty of bait, and react to the provocation. Said another way, I resist getting hooked (like a hungry fish) and give in to a need to express my outrage.
I've said before it is going to get worse before it gets better. And every day validates my premise. I'll give them credit for being prepared to roll out dozens, hundreds, of Executive Orders and pronouncements, any one of which flies in the face of what we hold dear. Its a blitzkrieg of the highest order. And so far no fight back of any consequence from the people who represent me/us.
So its frustrating. And I've been silent. Not hooked so much that I've taken the time to express myself. There is a cost to not being provoked. We'll see if I continue this way and quietly pay the price.
Stay tuned . . .