Through the Looking-Glass!
"Through the Looking-Glass" is a sequel to "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." It describes Alice's further adventures as she moves through a mirror into another unreal world of illogical behavior.
In thinking about how I see the world these days I realized that I've gone through a looking-glass. In this universe, on this side of the looking-glass, what I see going on does indeed appear to be unreal and illogical. Said another way, I've moved into a new paradigm and am responding to it as if I'm in my old paradigm. So naturally things look different, aka all fucked up.
In my old paradigm my country stood for goodness and decency, was indeed a place to be admired. We didn't always live up to our standards, but in the end we could be counted on to come through. We differed in our politics, but there was a chance to compromise for the greater good. We were not a mean spirited people.
So as I try to make sense of what I see going on all around me I am disappointed. Or more accurately, I feel betrayed. Feeling betrayed is an old paradigm reaction, I realize. I wouldn't feel betrayed if I were judging today based on having gone through the looking-glass and seeing that what was illogical to my former self is logical in this new world.
Does seeing more clearly help? No! I liked it a lot better the way it was. Should I surrender and just go with the flow? No, not that either. So for now I'll accept where I am and how the world is, but I'll hold on to the memory of my old paradigm and keep it alive at least in theory.
And good luck to us all!