Tuesday, November 11, 2014


ScienceTimes is a NYTimes special section that appears every Tuesday.  Frequently I skip through it quickly.  When I don’t I’m always amazed at how much I learn.  For example, in today’s ScienceTimes I found the following:

Denmark is pursuing the world’s most ambitious climate change policy.  They aim to end the burning of fossil fuels in any form by 2050.  Today they are above 40% renewable power on their electric grid.  (The U.S. is at 13%)

The Rosetta spacecraft has been chasing Comet 67P for ten years.  Tomorrow it will attempt to drop a small lander onto the surface of the comet.  And by the way, both Comet 67P and Rosetta are traveling at 34,400 miles per hour.

Dead jellyfish have long been thought to be disgusting gooey masses of stuff of no interest even to fellow sea creatures.  Not so.  Recent experiments show that the seafloor cleanup crew – hagfish, crabs and others – gobbled up the dead jellyfish as fast as they did more delectable sea corpses, like mackerel. 

It’s likely, but not a sure thing, that if you have survived Ebola you will be immune from catching it again, or at least you will be protected from the same Ebola strain.  Volunteers to prove that this is true aren’t stepping forward in great numbers.

The air quality inside gyms may be bad for your health.

The Charles Bonnet Syndrome causes visual hallucinations that come from the brain, not the eyes.  People see colors, patterns and even people who aren’t there.  A woman reports that her elderly mother has been seeing a ghostly woman who she is convinced is after her husband.  “Tell her to go away,” her mother pleads.  There is no indication about how the husband feels about the situation.


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