Friday, October 21, 2016

Pissing Matches!

A roundup of pissing matches that you may have overlooked:

India and Pakistan have been in a pissing match for nearly 70 years, focused on Kashmir and other issues.  It has now spilled over into Bollywood, where filmmakers and theater owners are being threatened with violent protests if they use Pakistani actors.

The NCAA, a holier-than-though organization that dictates behavior to colleges, is going after Rick Pitino and the Louisville basketball program for allowing or not knowing their players were misbehaving.  The NCAA masquerades as a protector of virtue in college athletics.  It’s really about money, how much and who gets it, and these mandarins of propriety know it.

Mahmoud Abbas wants to be reelected head of Fatah and is fighting with fellow Palestinians in a struggle for control.  This pissing match has been going on for a long time and is about power and personalities, not what’s best for the Palestinian people.

Trump and the Republican establishment.  No need to comment on this one.

Progressives and moderates on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors are in a never-ending pissing match for control of the city.  There are 25 propositions on the ballot this time around (that’s not a misprint, there are 25) and a quick look at who is for and against most of them reveals the split and how it plays out in a lack of governance.  And oh, by the way, there are an additional 17 state propositions on the ballot.  Ballot propositions are a growth industry.

Predictably, not everyone loves that Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.  True to form, we don’t even know what he thinks about it.  But the pissing match between traditionalists who object and others (like me) who see his work as poetry and deserving, goes on.


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