Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Dog Days!

These are called the Dog Days – mid summer hot, sultry days when the world seems to slow down, people go on vacation, and a sense of lassitude fills the air. Here in San Francisco our Dog Days of summer are different – cool and foggy – but weather aside they’re still different from the rest of the year. A snapshot of what they look like:

At the Iowa State Fair a guy is being interviewed on camera. Behind him a steady stream of fairgoers walk by. Almost without exception they are pushing a baby stroller and/or eating/drinking and obesity is rampant. Only in America . . .

Even though next year’s election is a long way away, the silly season for politicians is in full swing. Dog Days or not, they’ve descended on Iowa to eat and drink with the folks and pay inordinate attention to the occupants of those baby strollers. Only in America . . .

This is the time for baseball, the beach, picnics, books that don’t tax the brain, strolling in a park. For those who can’t wait, pre-season football has begun. Seems out of place. Too hot for pads and jerseys. Only in America . . .

Europe is on vacation in August, but there’s no time out for the Dog Days in the rest of the world. Famine and death in Somalia. Suicide bombs and death in Iraq and Afghanistan. Terrorism and death in Pakistan. Protests and death in Syria and Yemen. Rape and death in Congo. War and death in Libya. Repression and death in Zimbabwe.

Looking around, we can be grateful for a peaceful Dog Day. Only in America . . .


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