Sunday, August 08, 2021

Piling On!

Andrew Cuomo is definitely up to his neck in foul-smelling doo doo.  For sure, he should suffer the consequences for his bad behavior.  My guess is that he isn't likely to resign, so impeachment could be the path down which he goes to lose his job.

Ok, fine.  He deserves what he gets and has brought all this on himself.  Unacceptable behavior with women and a toxic work environment for those in his office.  Case closed.

I have only one problem with the way all this is going down.  The guardians of our public morality are having a field day piling on the Gov for being such a bad boy.  The (self serving) politicians.  The (holier than thou) pundits.  The (smug) journalists.  The (unleashed) social media.  And all the rest.

What's the point?  Being smug is not a virtue.  "See, I told you so," is not a brilliant insight.  "He deserves what he gets," is not an uplifting opinion.

Let it go, guys.  Talk about something useful.  I remember during those early days of the pandemic how Cuomo's daily press briefings were a breath of fresh air in contrast to the confusion and lies coming out of the White House.  That Cuomo doesn't excuse this Cuomo, but it at least provides a context for something other than getting even with him.

Or just say nothing.  That would be a step forward!


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