Thursday, October 08, 2020

VP Debate!

I'd call it a draw.  No home runs, but no major gaffes either.

Civil.  A welcome change from the last one.  But not a lot of substance.  And nothing new - both sides repeating what they've been saying for months.  I can't imagine that what we saw last night will change many minds.  More likely it will validate existing opinions.

So was it worth it?  I guess so.  People want to take a look at the contestants, especially when the guys at the top of the ticket are old.  That we didn't see any ill-mannered fireworks is a step in the right direction.

In the meantime, the disrupter-in-chief is at it again this morning.  "I won't do a virtual debate," he whines.  OK, say I, take your soccer ball and go home.  Not having to watch you again is also a step in the right direction.

Stay tuned . . .


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