It Can Happen Here!
No joke. It can happen here!
In fact, it's already happening. It's out in plain sight. Many people are talking about it. But no one seems to know how to stop it.
What is it? A coup to overthrow our government, get rid of democracy and install an autocracy or fascist dictatorship.
It can't happen here, you say. You're too late. It's already happening. There is a legal coup underway. Laws are being passed that will ensure that no matter what the future free election results are, they will not hold if those who want to destroy democracy are successful. Dozens of laws have been passed that will legally let this happen. And hundreds of additional laws are in the works. It's all happening in plain sight and there seems no way to stop it.
In addition to the legal coup, on Jan. 6 we had a preview of what the illegal coup will look like. Insurrection. Violence. A coup by any means necessary. What will this look like? A civil war. And this too is already underway in plain sight. It is simmering in the background, ready to be unleashed on a moment's notice.
Democracy and freedom in America has had a good run. It's possible for it to continue. It's possible my pessimism is too pessimistic. I hope I'm wrong. But I fear it can happen here!
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